var TickStreamType = { KeyID: 1, CV: 2 }; var TickStreamOTK = 'C+qNi7lJYBtsYDs0LW6Oyv5J0OsPqYR7vQQwMiLm3eB1voHQOlAxuaOy/1ahr20m'; var TickStream = (function () { var bbSTp = []; var uR4jE = []; var bbSTpg = []; var XFUl = []; var msgEditsNotAllowed = 'Edits are not allowed. Press the backspace or escape key to start over.'; var msgCapsLockNotAllowed = 'Using the Caps Lock key is not allowed. Press the backspace or escape key to start over.'; var barSep = '|'; var XFUlQ = [0, 9, 20, 144, 145, 12, 13, 255]; var FXKVD = { 33: 49, 64: 50, 35: 51, 36: 52, 37: 53, 94: 54, 38: 55, 42: 56, 40: 57, 41: 48, 34: 39, 95: 45, 60: 44, 62: 46, 63: 47, 58: 59, 123: 91, 124: 92, 125: 93, 126: 96, 43: 61, 97: 65, 98: 66, 99: 67, 100: 68, 101: 69, 102: 70, 103: 71, 104: 72, 105: 73, 106: 74, 107: 75, 108: 76, 109: 77, 110: 78, 111: 79, 112: 80, 113: 81, 114: 82, 115: 83, 116: 84, 117: 85, 118: 86, 119: 87, 120: 88, 121: 89, 122: 90, 186: 59, 187: 61, 188: 44, 189: 45, 190: 46, 191: 47, 192: 96, 219: 91, 220: 92, 221: 93, 222: 39 }; var FXKVDl = { 96: 48, 97: 49, 98: 50, 99: 51, 100: 52, 101: 53, 102: 54, 103: 55, 104: 56, 105: 57, 106: 42, 107: 43, 109: 45, 111: 47, 108: 108, 110: 46 }; var ff = { 173: 189, 61: 187, 59: 186 }; window.MisTypedText = ''; function tsHandleError(e, showMessageBox) { var stack = e.stack; if (typeof stack === "undefined") { stack = e.message; } else { if (stack.toString().trim() === '') { stack = e.message; }; }; stack = stack.replace(/\n/g, "\n \t \t"); console.log("TickStream.KeyID Enrollment Library Error: \n \t" + + ": " + e.number + " \n \t" + stack); if (showMessageBox === true) { tsMessageBox("Error", "The following error has occurred: " + stack + "\nPlease contact support if the problem continues."); }; }; function tsBind(kOoHE, kOoHE9, bbST, obfuscate, tsOptions) { var control = document.getElementById(kOoHE); control.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); bbSTpg.push(kOoHE); bbSTp[kOoHE9] = 0; uR4jE[kOoHE9] = []; XFUl[kOoHE9] = []; if (typeof obfuscate === 'undefined') { obfuscate = false; } var ElementDataType; if (obfuscate == true) { ElementDataType = 'OB'; } else { ElementDataType = 'PC'; } if (typeof tsOptions === 'undefined') { tsOptions = { showAlerts: true, allowBackspace: false, showWatermark: true, allowCapsLock: false }; } if (typeof tsOptions.showAlerts === 'undefined') { tsOptions.showAlerts = true; } if (typeof tsOptions.allowBackspace === 'undefined') { tsOptions.allowBackspace = false; } if (typeof tsOptions.allowCapsLock === 'undefined') { tsOptions.allowCapsLock = false; } if (typeof tsOptions.showWatermark === 'undefined') { tsOptions.showWatermark = true; } if (tsOptions.showWatermark == true) { = 'url()'; if (window.getComputedStyle(control).visibility == "visible") { = control.clientHeight + 'px ' + control.clientHeight + 'px'; }; = 'right'; = 'no-repeat'; } if (bbST == TickStreamType.KeyID) { control.addEventListener('keydown', function (uR4j) { var eventChar = uR4j.which; if ((eventChar >= 33 && eventChar <= 46) || (eventChar >= 17 && eventChar <= 19)) { uR4j.preventDefault(); if (tsOptions.showAlerts == true) { alert(msgEditsNotAllowed); } return; } if (eventChar == 20) { if (tsOptions.allowCapsLock == false) { uR4j.preventDefault(); if (tsOptions.showAlerts == true) { alert(msgCapsLockNotAllowed); }; return; }; }; if (eventChar == 27 || eventChar == 8) { window.MisTypedText = control.value; if (tsOptions.allowBackspace == false) { O4pyDq(kOoHE9, kOoHE); uR4j.preventDefault(); } return; } if (XFUlQ.indexOf(eventChar) > -1) { return; } if (ff[eventChar] !== undefined) { eventChar = ff[eventChar]; } if (eventChar == 91 || eventChar == 92) { return; } if (FXKVDl[eventChar] !== undefined) { eventChar = FXKVDl[eventChar]; } if (obfuscate == true) { if (!(eventChar >= 65 && eventChar <= 90) && FXKVD[eventChar] !== undefined) { eventChar = FXKVD[eventChar]; } } var charRecordedDown = ''; if (obfuscate == true && (eventChar >= 33 && eventChar <= 126)) { if (XFUl[kOoHE9].indexOf(eventChar) == -1) { XFUl[kOoHE9].push(eventChar); } charRecordedDown = XFUlQk(kOoHE9, eventChar); } else { charRecordedDown = eventChar; }; uR4jE[kOoHE9][bbSTp[kOoHE9]] = charRecordedDown + barSep + mhyw(new Date()) + '|d|CL|NL|' + (uR4j.altKey ? 'A' : 'X') + barSep + (uR4j.ctrlKey ? 'C' : 'X') + barSep + (uR4j.shiftKey ? 'S' : 'X') + barSep + ElementDataType; bbSTp[kOoHE9]++; }); control.addEventListener('keyup', function (uR4j) { if (uR4jE[kOoHE9].length == 0) { return; } var eventChar = uR4j.which; if (eventChar == 27 || eventChar == 8 || (eventChar >= 33 && eventChar <= 46) || (eventChar >= 17 && eventChar <= 19)) { return; } if (XFUlQ.indexOf(eventChar) > -1) { return; } if (ff[eventChar] !== undefined) { eventChar = ff[eventChar]; } if (eventChar == 91 || eventChar == 92) { return; } if (FXKVDl[eventChar] !== undefined) { eventChar = FXKVDl[eventChar]; } if (obfuscate == true) { if (!(eventChar >= 65 && eventChar <= 90) && FXKVD[eventChar] !== undefined) { eventChar = FXKVD[eventChar]; } } var charRecordedUp = ''; if (obfuscate == true && (eventChar >= 33 && eventChar <= 126)) { if (XFUl[kOoHE9].indexOf(eventChar) == -1) { XFUl[kOoHE9].push(eventChar); } charRecordedUp = XFUlQk(kOoHE9, eventChar); } else { charRecordedUp = eventChar }; uR4jE[kOoHE9][bbSTp[kOoHE9]] = charRecordedUp + barSep + mhyw(new Date()) + '|u|CL|NL|' + (uR4j.altKey ? 'A' : 'X') + barSep + (uR4j.ctrlKey ? 'C' : 'X') + barSep + (uR4j.shiftKey ? 'S' : 'X') + barSep + ElementDataType; bbSTp[kOoHE9]++; }); control.addEventListener('keypress', function (uR4j) { if (uR4jE[kOoHE9].length == 0) { return; } var eventChar = uR4j.which; if ((eventChar >= 65 && eventChar <= 90 && !uR4j.shiftKey) || (eventChar >= 97 && eventChar <= 122 && uR4j.shiftKey)) { if (tsOptions.allowCapsLock == false) { uR4j.preventDefault(); if (tsOptions.showAlerts == true) { alert(msgCapsLockNotAllowed); }; return; }; } if (eventChar == 27 || eventChar == 8 || (eventChar >= 17 && eventChar <= 19)) { return; } if (XFUlQ.indexOf(eventChar) > -1) { return; } if (obfuscate == true) { if (FXKVD[eventChar] !== undefined) { eventChar = FXKVD[eventChar]; } } var charRecordedPress = ''; if (obfuscate == true && (uR4j.which >= 33 && uR4j.which <= 126)) { charRecordedPress = XFUlQk(kOoHE9, eventChar, true); } else { charRecordedPress = eventChar; }; uR4jE[kOoHE9][bbSTp[kOoHE9]] = charRecordedPress + barSep + mhyw(new Date()) + '|p|CL|NL|' + (uR4j.altKey ? 'A' : 'X') + barSep + (uR4j.ctrlKey ? 'C' : 'X') + barSep + (uR4j.shiftKey ? 'S' : 'X') + barSep + ElementDataType; bbSTp[kOoHE9]++; }); control.addEventListener('cut copy paste', function (uR4j) { uR4j.preventDefault(); }); control.addEventListener('drop', function (uR4j) { uR4j.preventDefault(); }); control.addEventListener('focus', function (uR4j) { O4pyDq(kOoHE9, kOoHE); return; }); control.addEventListener('click', function () { O4pyDq(kOoHE9, kOoHE); return; }); } else { control.addEventListener('keydown', function (uR4j) { if (ff[uR4j.which] !== undefined) { uR4j.which = ff[uR4j.which]; } uR4jE[kOoHE9][bbSTp[kOoHE9]] = uR4j.which + barSep + mhyw(new Date()) + '|d'; bbSTp[kOoHE9]++; }); control.addEventListener('keyup', function (uR4j) { if (ff[uR4j.which] !== undefined) { uR4j.which = ff[uR4j.which]; } uR4jE[kOoHE9][bbSTp[kOoHE9]] = uR4j.which + barSep + mhyw(new Date()) + '|u'; bbSTp[kOoHE9]++; }); control.addEventListener('keypress', function (uR4j) { uR4jE[kOoHE9][bbSTp[kOoHE9]] = uR4j.which + barSep + mhyw(new Date()) + '|p'; bbSTp[kOoHE9]++; }); control.addEventListener('paste', function (uR4j) { uR4j.preventDefault(); }); } }; function mhyw(date) { return (date.getTime() - date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000) * 10000 + 621355968000000000; }; function mhywp(kOoHE9) { return uR4jE[kOoHE9].join('!'); }; function XFUlQk(kOoHE9, eventChar, isKeyPress) { return 33 + XFUl[kOoHE9].indexOf(eventChar); }; function O4pyDq(kOoHE9, kOoHE) { uR4jE[kOoHE9] = []; bbSTp[kOoHE9] = 0; XFUl[kOoHE9] = []; document.getElementById(kOoHE).value = ''; return; }; function _getbyte(t, A) { var e = t.charCodeAt(A); if (e > 255) throw "INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: DOM Exception 5"; return e } function base64Encode(t) { if (1 !== arguments.length) throw "SyntaxError: exactly one argument required"; t = String(t); var A, e, r = [], h = t.length - t.length % 3; if (0 === t.length) return t; for (A = 0; h > A; A += 3) e = _getbyte(t, A) << 16 | _getbyte(t, A + 1) << 8 | _getbyte(t, A + 2), r.push(_ALPHA.charAt(e >> 18)), r.push(_ALPHA.charAt(e >> 12 & 63)), r.push(_ALPHA.charAt(e >> 6 & 63)), r.push(_ALPHA.charAt(63 & e)); switch (t.length - h) { case 1: e = _getbyte(t, A) << 16, r.push(_ALPHA.charAt(e >> 18) + _ALPHA.charAt(e >> 12 & 63) + _PADCHAR + _PADCHAR); break; case 2: e = _getbyte(t, A) << 16 | _getbyte(t, A + 1) << 8, r.push(_ALPHA.charAt(e >> 18) + _ALPHA.charAt(e >> 12 & 63) + _ALPHA.charAt(e >> 6 & 63) + _PADCHAR) } return r.join("") } var _PADCHAR = "=", _ALPHA = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; function zip_DeflateCT() { this.fc = 0, this.dl = 0 } function zip_DeflateTreeDesc() { this.dyn_tree = null, this.static_tree = null, this.extra_bits = null, this.extra_base = 0, this.elems = 0, this.max_length = 0, this.max_code = 0 } function zip_DeflateConfiguration(_, i, p, z) { this.good_length = _, this.max_lazy = i, this.nice_length = p, this.max_chain = z } function zip_DeflateBuffer() { = null, this.len = 0, this.ptr = new Array(zip_OUTBUFSIZ), = 0 } function zip_deflate_start(_) { var i; if (_ ? 1 > _ ? _ = 1 : _ > 9 && (_ = 9) : _ = zip_DEFAULT_LEVEL, zip_compr_level = _, zip_initflag = !1, zip_eofile = !1, null == zip_outbuf) { for (zip_free_queue = zip_qhead = zip_qtail = null, zip_outbuf = new Array(zip_OUTBUFSIZ), zip_window = new Array(zip_window_size), zip_d_buf = new Array(zip_DIST_BUFSIZE), zip_l_buf = new Array(zip_INBUFSIZ + zip_INBUF_EXTRA), zip_prev = new Array(1 << zip_BITS), zip_dyn_ltree = new Array(zip_HEAP_SIZE), i = 0; zip_HEAP_SIZE > i; i++) zip_dyn_ltree[i] = new zip_DeflateCT; for (zip_dyn_dtree = new Array(2 * zip_D_CODES + 1), i = 0; 2 * zip_D_CODES + 1 > i; i++) zip_dyn_dtree[i] = new zip_DeflateCT; for (zip_static_ltree = new Array(zip_L_CODES + 2), i = 0; zip_L_CODES + 2 > i; i++) zip_static_ltree[i] = new zip_DeflateCT; for (zip_static_dtree = new Array(zip_D_CODES), i = 0; zip_D_CODES > i; i++) zip_static_dtree[i] = new zip_DeflateCT; for (zip_bl_tree = new Array(2 * zip_BL_CODES + 1), i = 0; 2 * zip_BL_CODES + 1 > i; i++) zip_bl_tree[i] = new zip_DeflateCT; zip_l_desc = new zip_DeflateTreeDesc, zip_d_desc = new zip_DeflateTreeDesc, zip_bl_desc = new zip_DeflateTreeDesc, zip_bl_count = new Array(zip_MAX_BITS + 1), zip_heap = new Array(2 * zip_L_CODES + 1), zip_depth = new Array(2 * zip_L_CODES + 1), zip_length_code = new Array(zip_MAX_MATCH - zip_MIN_MATCH + 1), zip_dist_code = new Array(512), zip_base_length = new Array(zip_LENGTH_CODES), zip_base_dist = new Array(zip_D_CODES), zip_flag_buf = new Array(parseInt(zip_LIT_BUFSIZE / 8)) } } function zip_deflate_end() { zip_free_queue = zip_qhead = zip_qtail = null, zip_outbuf = null, zip_window = null, zip_d_buf = null, zip_l_buf = null, zip_prev = null, zip_dyn_ltree = null, zip_dyn_dtree = null, zip_static_ltree = null, zip_static_dtree = null, zip_bl_tree = null, zip_l_desc = null, zip_d_desc = null, zip_bl_desc = null, zip_bl_count = null, zip_heap = null, zip_depth = null, zip_length_code = null, zip_dist_code = null, zip_base_length = null, zip_base_dist = null, zip_flag_buf = null } function zip_reuse_queue(_) { = zip_free_queue, zip_free_queue = _ } function zip_new_queue() { var _; return null != zip_free_queue ? (_ = zip_free_queue, zip_free_queue = : _ = new zip_DeflateBuffer, = null, _.len = = 0, _ } function zip_head1(_) { return zip_prev[zip_WSIZE + _] } function zip_head2(_, i) { return zip_prev[zip_WSIZE + _] = i } function zip_put_byte(_) { zip_outbuf[zip_outoff + zip_outcnt++] = _, zip_outoff + zip_outcnt == zip_OUTBUFSIZ && zip_qoutbuf() } function zip_put_short(_) { _ &= 65535, zip_OUTBUFSIZ - 2 > zip_outoff + zip_outcnt ? (zip_outbuf[zip_outoff + zip_outcnt++] = 255 & _, zip_outbuf[zip_outoff + zip_outcnt++] = _ >>> 8) : (zip_put_byte(255 & _), zip_put_byte(_ >>> 8)) } function zip_INSERT_STRING() { zip_ins_h = (zip_ins_h << zip_H_SHIFT ^ 255 & zip_window[zip_strstart + zip_MIN_MATCH - 1]) & zip_HASH_MASK, zip_hash_head = zip_head1(zip_ins_h), zip_prev[zip_strstart & zip_WMASK] = zip_hash_head, zip_head2(zip_ins_h, zip_strstart) } function zip_SEND_CODE(_, i) { zip_send_bits(i[_].fc, i[_].dl) } function zip_D_CODE(_) { return 255 & (256 > _ ? zip_dist_code[_] : zip_dist_code[256 + (_ >> 7)]) } function zip_SMALLER(_, i, p) { return _[i].fc < _[p].fc || _[i].fc == _[p].fc && zip_depth[i] <= zip_depth[p] } function zip_read_buff(_, i, p) { var z; for (z = 0; p > z && zip_deflate_pos < zip_deflate_data.length; z++) _[i + z] = 255 & zip_deflate_data.charCodeAt(zip_deflate_pos++); return z } function zip_lm_init() { var _; for (_ = 0; zip_HASH_SIZE > _; _++) zip_prev[zip_WSIZE + _] = 0; if (zip_max_lazy_match = zip_configuration_table[zip_compr_level].max_lazy, zip_good_match = zip_configuration_table[zip_compr_level].good_length, zip_FULL_SEARCH || (zip_nice_match = zip_configuration_table[zip_compr_level].nice_length), zip_max_chain_length = zip_configuration_table[zip_compr_level].max_chain, zip_strstart = 0, zip_block_start = 0, zip_lookahead = zip_read_buff(zip_window, 0, 2 * zip_WSIZE), 0 >= zip_lookahead) return zip_eofile = !0, void (zip_lookahead = 0); for (zip_eofile = !1; zip_MIN_LOOKAHEAD > zip_lookahead && !zip_eofile;) zip_fill_window(); for (zip_ins_h = 0, _ = 0; zip_MIN_MATCH - 1 > _; _++) zip_ins_h = (zip_ins_h << zip_H_SHIFT ^ 255 & zip_window[_]) & zip_HASH_MASK } function zip_longest_match(_) { var i, p, z = zip_max_chain_length, e = zip_strstart, t = zip_prev_length, a = zip_strstart > zip_MAX_DIST ? zip_strstart - zip_MAX_DIST : zip_NIL, l = zip_strstart + zip_MAX_MATCH, n = zip_window[e + t - 1], r = zip_window[e + t]; zip_prev_length >= zip_good_match && (z >>= 2); do if (i = _, zip_window[i + t] == r && zip_window[i + t - 1] == n && zip_window[i] == zip_window[e] && zip_window[++i] == zip_window[e + 1]) { e += 2, i++; do; while (zip_window[++e] == zip_window[++i] && zip_window[++e] == zip_window[++i] && zip_window[++e] == zip_window[++i] && zip_window[++e] == zip_window[++i] && zip_window[++e] == zip_window[++i] && zip_window[++e] == zip_window[++i] && zip_window[++e] == zip_window[++i] && zip_window[++e] == zip_window[++i] && l > e); if (p = zip_MAX_MATCH - (l - e), e = l - zip_MAX_MATCH, p > t) { if (zip_match_start = _, t = p, zip_FULL_SEARCH) { if (p >= zip_MAX_MATCH) break } else if (p >= zip_nice_match) break; n = zip_window[e + t - 1], r = zip_window[e + t] } } while ((_ = zip_prev[_ & zip_WMASK]) > a && 0 != --z); return t } function zip_fill_window() { var _, i, p = zip_window_size - zip_lookahead - zip_strstart; if (-1 == p) p--; else if (zip_strstart >= zip_WSIZE + zip_MAX_DIST) { for (_ = 0; zip_WSIZE > _; _++) zip_window[_] = zip_window[_ + zip_WSIZE]; for (zip_match_start -= zip_WSIZE, zip_strstart -= zip_WSIZE, zip_block_start -= zip_WSIZE, _ = 0; zip_HASH_SIZE > _; _++) i = zip_head1(_), zip_head2(_, i >= zip_WSIZE ? i - zip_WSIZE : zip_NIL); for (_ = 0; zip_WSIZE > _; _++) i = zip_prev[_], zip_prev[_] = i >= zip_WSIZE ? i - zip_WSIZE : zip_NIL; p += zip_WSIZE } zip_eofile || (_ = zip_read_buff(zip_window, zip_strstart + zip_lookahead, p), 0 >= _ ? zip_eofile = !0 : zip_lookahead += _) } function zip_deflate_fast() { for (; 0 != zip_lookahead && null == zip_qhead;) { var _; if (zip_INSERT_STRING(), zip_hash_head != zip_NIL && zip_MAX_DIST >= zip_strstart - zip_hash_head && (zip_match_length = zip_longest_match(zip_hash_head), zip_match_length > zip_lookahead && (zip_match_length = zip_lookahead)), zip_match_length >= zip_MIN_MATCH) if (_ = zip_ct_tally(zip_strstart - zip_match_start, zip_match_length - zip_MIN_MATCH), zip_lookahead -= zip_match_length, zip_max_lazy_match >= zip_match_length) { zip_match_length--; do zip_strstart++ , zip_INSERT_STRING(); while (0 != --zip_match_length); zip_strstart++ } else zip_strstart += zip_match_length, zip_match_length = 0, zip_ins_h = 255 & zip_window[zip_strstart], zip_ins_h = (zip_ins_h << zip_H_SHIFT ^ 255 & zip_window[zip_strstart + 1]) & zip_HASH_MASK; else _ = zip_ct_tally(0, 255 & zip_window[zip_strstart]), zip_lookahead-- , zip_strstart++; for (_ && (zip_flush_block(0), zip_block_start = zip_strstart); zip_MIN_LOOKAHEAD > zip_lookahead && !zip_eofile;) zip_fill_window() } } function zip_deflate_better() { for (; 0 != zip_lookahead && null == zip_qhead;) { if (zip_INSERT_STRING(), zip_prev_length = zip_match_length, zip_prev_match = zip_match_start, zip_match_length = zip_MIN_MATCH - 1, zip_hash_head != zip_NIL && zip_max_lazy_match > zip_prev_length && zip_MAX_DIST >= zip_strstart - zip_hash_head && (zip_match_length = zip_longest_match(zip_hash_head), zip_match_length > zip_lookahead && (zip_match_length = zip_lookahead), zip_match_length == zip_MIN_MATCH && zip_strstart - zip_match_start > zip_TOO_FAR && zip_match_length--), zip_prev_length >= zip_MIN_MATCH && zip_prev_length >= zip_match_length) { var _; _ = zip_ct_tally(zip_strstart - 1 - zip_prev_match, zip_prev_length - zip_MIN_MATCH), zip_lookahead -= zip_prev_length - 1, zip_prev_length -= 2; do zip_strstart++ , zip_INSERT_STRING(); while (0 != --zip_prev_length); zip_match_available = 0, zip_match_length = zip_MIN_MATCH - 1, zip_strstart++ , _ && (zip_flush_block(0), zip_block_start = zip_strstart) } else 0 != zip_match_available ? (zip_ct_tally(0, 255 & zip_window[zip_strstart - 1]) && (zip_flush_block(0), zip_block_start = zip_strstart), zip_strstart++ , zip_lookahead--) : (zip_match_available = 1, zip_strstart++ , zip_lookahead--); for (; zip_MIN_LOOKAHEAD > zip_lookahead && !zip_eofile;) zip_fill_window() } } function zip_init_deflate() { zip_eofile || (zip_bi_buf = 0, zip_bi_valid = 0, zip_ct_init(), zip_lm_init(), zip_qhead = null, zip_outcnt = 0, zip_outoff = 0, 3 >= zip_compr_level ? (zip_prev_length = zip_MIN_MATCH - 1, zip_match_length = 0) : (zip_match_length = zip_MIN_MATCH - 1, zip_match_available = 0), zip_complete = !1) } function zip_deflate_internal(_, i, p) { var z; return zip_initflag || (zip_init_deflate(), zip_initflag = !0, 0 != zip_lookahead) ? (z = zip_qcopy(_, i, p)) == p ? p : zip_complete ? z : (3 >= zip_compr_level ? zip_deflate_fast() : zip_deflate_better(), 0 == zip_lookahead && (0 != zip_match_available && zip_ct_tally(0, 255 & zip_window[zip_strstart - 1]), zip_flush_block(1), zip_complete = !0), z + zip_qcopy(_, z + i, p - z)) : (zip_complete = !0, 0) } function zip_qcopy(_, i, p) { var z, e, t; for (z = 0; null != zip_qhead && p > z;) { for (e = p - z, e > zip_qhead.len && (e = zip_qhead.len), t = 0; e > t; t++) _[i + z + t] = zip_qhead.ptr[ + t]; if ( += e, zip_qhead.len -= e, z += e, 0 == zip_qhead.len) { var a; a = zip_qhead, zip_qhead =, zip_reuse_queue(a) } } if (z == p) return z; if (zip_outcnt > zip_outoff) { for (e = p - z, e > zip_outcnt - zip_outoff && (e = zip_outcnt - zip_outoff), t = 0; e > t; t++) _[i + z + t] = zip_outbuf[zip_outoff + t]; zip_outoff += e, z += e, zip_outcnt == zip_outoff && (zip_outcnt = zip_outoff = 0) } return z } function zip_ct_init() { var _, i, p, z, e; if (0 == zip_static_dtree[0].dl) { for (zip_l_desc.dyn_tree = zip_dyn_ltree, zip_l_desc.static_tree = zip_static_ltree, zip_l_desc.extra_bits = zip_extra_lbits, zip_l_desc.extra_base = zip_LITERALS + 1, zip_l_desc.elems = zip_L_CODES, zip_l_desc.max_length = zip_MAX_BITS, zip_l_desc.max_code = 0, zip_d_desc.dyn_tree = zip_dyn_dtree, zip_d_desc.static_tree = zip_static_dtree, zip_d_desc.extra_bits = zip_extra_dbits, zip_d_desc.extra_base = 0, zip_d_desc.elems = zip_D_CODES, zip_d_desc.max_length = zip_MAX_BITS, zip_d_desc.max_code = 0, zip_bl_desc.dyn_tree = zip_bl_tree, zip_bl_desc.static_tree = null, zip_bl_desc.extra_bits = zip_extra_blbits, zip_bl_desc.extra_base = 0, zip_bl_desc.elems = zip_BL_CODES, zip_bl_desc.max_length = zip_MAX_BL_BITS, zip_bl_desc.max_code = 0, p = 0, z = 0; zip_LENGTH_CODES - 1 > z; z++) for (zip_base_length[z] = p, _ = 0; _ < 1 << zip_extra_lbits[z]; _++) zip_length_code[p++] = z; for (zip_length_code[p - 1] = z, e = 0, z = 0; 16 > z; z++) for (zip_base_dist[z] = e, _ = 0; _ < 1 << zip_extra_dbits[z]; _++) zip_dist_code[e++] = z; for (e >>= 7; zip_D_CODES > z; z++) for (zip_base_dist[z] = e << 7, _ = 0; _ < 1 << zip_extra_dbits[z] - 7; _++) zip_dist_code[256 + e++] = z; for (i = 0; zip_MAX_BITS >= i; i++) zip_bl_count[i] = 0; for (_ = 0; 143 >= _;) zip_static_ltree[_++].dl = 8, zip_bl_count[8]++; for (; 255 >= _;) zip_static_ltree[_++].dl = 9, zip_bl_count[9]++; for (; 279 >= _;) zip_static_ltree[_++].dl = 7, zip_bl_count[7]++; for (; 287 >= _;) zip_static_ltree[_++].dl = 8, zip_bl_count[8]++; for (zip_gen_codes(zip_static_ltree, zip_L_CODES + 1), _ = 0; zip_D_CODES > _; _++) zip_static_dtree[_].dl = 5, zip_static_dtree[_].fc = zip_bi_reverse(_, 5); zip_init_block() } } function zip_init_block() { var _; for (_ = 0; zip_L_CODES > _; _++) zip_dyn_ltree[_].fc = 0; for (_ = 0; zip_D_CODES > _; _++) zip_dyn_dtree[_].fc = 0; for (_ = 0; zip_BL_CODES > _; _++) zip_bl_tree[_].fc = 0; zip_dyn_ltree[zip_END_BLOCK].fc = 1, zip_opt_len = zip_static_len = 0, zip_last_lit = zip_last_dist = zip_last_flags = 0, zip_flags = 0, zip_flag_bit = 1 } function zip_pqdownheap(_, i) { for (var p = zip_heap[i], z = i << 1; zip_heap_len >= z && (zip_heap_len > z && zip_SMALLER(_, zip_heap[z + 1], zip_heap[z]) && z++ , !zip_SMALLER(_, p, zip_heap[z]));) zip_heap[i] = zip_heap[z], i = z, z <<= 1; zip_heap[i] = p } function zip_gen_bitlen(_) { var i, p, z, e, t, a, l = _.dyn_tree, n = _.extra_bits, r = _.extra_base, o = _.max_code, d = _.max_length, s = _.static_tree, f = 0; for (e = 0; zip_MAX_BITS >= e; e++) zip_bl_count[e] = 0; for (l[zip_heap[zip_heap_max]].dl = 0, i = zip_heap_max + 1; zip_HEAP_SIZE > i; i++) p = zip_heap[i], e = l[l[p].dl].dl + 1, e > d && (e = d, f++), l[p].dl = e, p > o || (zip_bl_count[e]++ , t = 0, p >= r && (t = n[p - r]), a = l[p].fc, zip_opt_len += a * (e + t), null != s && (zip_static_len += a * (s[p].dl + t))); if (0 != f) { do { for (e = d - 1; 0 == zip_bl_count[e];) e--; zip_bl_count[e]-- , zip_bl_count[e + 1] += 2, zip_bl_count[d]-- , f -= 2 } while (f > 0); for (e = d; 0 != e; e--) for (p = zip_bl_count[e]; 0 != p;) z = zip_heap[--i], z > o || (l[z].dl != e && (zip_opt_len += (e - l[z].dl) * l[z].fc, l[z].fc = e), p--) } } function zip_gen_codes(_, i) { var p, z, e = new Array(zip_MAX_BITS + 1), t = 0; for (p = 1; zip_MAX_BITS >= p; p++) t = t + zip_bl_count[p - 1] << 1, e[p] = t; for (z = 0; i >= z; z++) { var a = _[z].dl; 0 != a && (_[z].fc = zip_bi_reverse(e[a]++, a)) } } function zip_build_tree(_) { var i, p, z = _.dyn_tree, e = _.static_tree, t = _.elems, a = -1, l = t; for (zip_heap_len = 0, zip_heap_max = zip_HEAP_SIZE, i = 0; t > i; i++) 0 != z[i].fc ? (zip_heap[++zip_heap_len] = a = i, zip_depth[i] = 0) : z[i].dl = 0; for (; 2 > zip_heap_len;) { var n = zip_heap[++zip_heap_len] = 2 > a ? ++a : 0; z[n].fc = 1, zip_depth[n] = 0, zip_opt_len-- , null != e && (zip_static_len -= e[n].dl) } for (_.max_code = a, i = zip_heap_len >> 1; i >= 1; i--) zip_pqdownheap(z, i); do i = zip_heap[zip_SMALLEST], zip_heap[zip_SMALLEST] = zip_heap[zip_heap_len--], zip_pqdownheap(z, zip_SMALLEST), p = zip_heap[zip_SMALLEST], zip_heap[--zip_heap_max] = i, zip_heap[--zip_heap_max] = p, z[l].fc = z[i].fc + z[p].fc, zip_depth[i] > zip_depth[p] + 1 ? zip_depth[l] = zip_depth[i] : zip_depth[l] = zip_depth[p] + 1, z[i].dl = z[p].dl = l, zip_heap[zip_SMALLEST] = l++ , zip_pqdownheap(z, zip_SMALLEST); while (zip_heap_len >= 2); zip_heap[--zip_heap_max] = zip_heap[zip_SMALLEST], zip_gen_bitlen(_), zip_gen_codes(z, a) } function zip_scan_tree(_, i) { var p, z, e = -1, t = _[0].dl, a = 0, l = 7, n = 4; for (0 == t && (l = 138, n = 3), _[i + 1].dl = 65535, p = 0; i >= p; p++) z = t, t = _[p + 1].dl, ++a < l && z == t || (n > a ? zip_bl_tree[z].fc += a : 0 != z ? (z != e && zip_bl_tree[z].fc++ , zip_bl_tree[zip_REP_3_6].fc++) : 10 >= a ? zip_bl_tree[zip_REPZ_3_10].fc++ : zip_bl_tree[zip_REPZ_11_138].fc++ , a = 0, e = z, 0 == t ? (l = 138, n = 3) : z == t ? (l = 6, n = 3) : (l = 7, n = 4)) } function zip_send_tree(_, i) { var p, z, e = -1, t = _[0].dl, a = 0, l = 7, n = 4; for (0 == t && (l = 138, n = 3), p = 0; i >= p; p++) if (z = t, t = _[p + 1].dl, !(++a < l && z == t)) { if (n > a) { do zip_SEND_CODE(z, zip_bl_tree); while (0 != --a) } else 0 != z ? (z != e && (zip_SEND_CODE(z, zip_bl_tree), a--), zip_SEND_CODE(zip_REP_3_6, zip_bl_tree), zip_send_bits(a - 3, 2)) : 10 >= a ? (zip_SEND_CODE(zip_REPZ_3_10, zip_bl_tree), zip_send_bits(a - 3, 3)) : (zip_SEND_CODE(zip_REPZ_11_138, zip_bl_tree), zip_send_bits(a - 11, 7)); a = 0, e = z, 0 == t ? (l = 138, n = 3) : z == t ? (l = 6, n = 3) : (l = 7, n = 4) } } function zip_build_bl_tree() { var _; for (zip_scan_tree(zip_dyn_ltree, zip_l_desc.max_code), zip_scan_tree(zip_dyn_dtree, zip_d_desc.max_code), zip_build_tree(zip_bl_desc), _ = zip_BL_CODES - 1; _ >= 3 && 0 == zip_bl_tree[zip_bl_order[_]].dl; _--); return zip_opt_len += 3 * (_ + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4, _ } function zip_send_all_trees(_, i, p) { var z; for (zip_send_bits(_ - 257, 5), zip_send_bits(i - 1, 5), zip_send_bits(p - 4, 4), z = 0; p > z; z++) zip_send_bits(zip_bl_tree[zip_bl_order[z]].dl, 3); zip_send_tree(zip_dyn_ltree, _ - 1), zip_send_tree(zip_dyn_dtree, i - 1) } function zip_flush_block(_) { var i, p, z, e; if (e = zip_strstart - zip_block_start, zip_flag_buf[zip_last_flags] = zip_flags, zip_build_tree(zip_l_desc), zip_build_tree(zip_d_desc), z = zip_build_bl_tree(), i = zip_opt_len + 3 + 7 >> 3, p = zip_static_len + 3 + 7 >> 3, i >= p && (i = p), i >= e + 4 && zip_block_start >= 0) { var t; for (zip_send_bits((zip_STORED_BLOCK << 1) + _, 3), zip_bi_windup(), zip_put_short(e), zip_put_short(~e), t = 0; e > t; t++) zip_put_byte(zip_window[zip_block_start + t]) } else p == i ? (zip_send_bits((zip_STATIC_TREES << 1) + _, 3), zip_compress_block(zip_static_ltree, zip_static_dtree)) : (zip_send_bits((zip_DYN_TREES << 1) + _, 3), zip_send_all_trees(zip_l_desc.max_code + 1, zip_d_desc.max_code + 1, z + 1), zip_compress_block(zip_dyn_ltree, zip_dyn_dtree)); zip_init_block(), 0 != _ && zip_bi_windup() } function zip_ct_tally(_, i) { if (zip_l_buf[zip_last_lit++] = i, 0 == _ ? zip_dyn_ltree[i].fc++ : (_-- , zip_dyn_ltree[zip_length_code[i] + zip_LITERALS + 1].fc++ , zip_dyn_dtree[zip_D_CODE(_)].fc++ , zip_d_buf[zip_last_dist++] = _, zip_flags |= zip_flag_bit), zip_flag_bit <<= 1, 0 == (7 & zip_last_lit) && (zip_flag_buf[zip_last_flags++] = zip_flags, zip_flags = 0, zip_flag_bit = 1), zip_compr_level > 2 && 0 == (4095 & zip_last_lit)) { var p, z = 8 * zip_last_lit, e = zip_strstart - zip_block_start; for (p = 0; zip_D_CODES > p; p++) z += zip_dyn_dtree[p].fc * (5 + zip_extra_dbits[p]); if (z >>= 3, zip_last_dist < parseInt(zip_last_lit / 2) && z < parseInt(e / 2)) return !0 } return zip_last_lit == zip_LIT_BUFSIZE - 1 || zip_last_dist == zip_DIST_BUFSIZE } function zip_compress_block(_, i) { var p, z, e, t, a = 0, l = 0, n = 0, r = 0; if (0 != zip_last_lit) do 0 == (7 & a) && (r = zip_flag_buf[n++]), z = 255 & zip_l_buf[a++], 0 == (1 & r) ? zip_SEND_CODE(z, _) : (e = zip_length_code[z], zip_SEND_CODE(e + zip_LITERALS + 1, _), t = zip_extra_lbits[e], 0 != t && (z -= zip_base_length[e], zip_send_bits(z, t)), p = zip_d_buf[l++], e = zip_D_CODE(p), zip_SEND_CODE(e, i), t = zip_extra_dbits[e], 0 != t && (p -= zip_base_dist[e], zip_send_bits(p, t))), r >>= 1; while (zip_last_lit > a); zip_SEND_CODE(zip_END_BLOCK, _) } function zip_send_bits(_, i) { zip_bi_valid > zip_Buf_size - i ? (zip_bi_buf |= _ << zip_bi_valid, zip_put_short(zip_bi_buf), zip_bi_buf = _ >> zip_Buf_size - zip_bi_valid, zip_bi_valid += i - zip_Buf_size) : (zip_bi_buf |= _ << zip_bi_valid, zip_bi_valid += i) } function zip_bi_reverse(_, i) { var p = 0; do p |= 1 & _, _ >>= 1, p <<= 1; while (--i > 0); return p >> 1 } function zip_bi_windup() { zip_bi_valid > 8 ? zip_put_short(zip_bi_buf) : zip_bi_valid > 0 && zip_put_byte(zip_bi_buf), zip_bi_buf = 0, zip_bi_valid = 0 } function zip_qoutbuf() { if (0 != zip_outcnt) { var _, i; for (_ = zip_new_queue(), null == zip_qhead ? zip_qhead = zip_qtail = _ : zip_qtail = = _, _.len = zip_outcnt - zip_outoff, i = 0; i < _.len; i++) _.ptr[i] = zip_outbuf[zip_outoff + i]; zip_outcnt = zip_outoff = 0 } } function zip_deflate(_, i) { var p, z, e, t; for (zip_deflate_data = _, zip_deflate_pos = 0, "undefined" == typeof i && (i = zip_DEFAULT_LEVEL), zip_deflate_start(i), z = new Array(1024), p = ""; (e = zip_deflate_internal(z, 0, z.length)) > 0;) for (t = 0; e > t; t++) p += String.fromCharCode(z[t]); return zip_deflate_data = null, p } var zip_WSIZE = 32768, zip_STORED_BLOCK = 0, zip_STATIC_TREES = 1, zip_DYN_TREES = 2, zip_DEFAULT_LEVEL = 6, zip_FULL_SEARCH = !0, zip_INBUFSIZ = 32768, zip_INBUF_EXTRA = 64, zip_OUTBUFSIZ = 8192, zip_window_size = 2 * zip_WSIZE, zip_MIN_MATCH = 3, zip_MAX_MATCH = 258, zip_BITS = 16, zip_LIT_BUFSIZE = 8192, zip_HASH_BITS = 13; zip_LIT_BUFSIZE > zip_INBUFSIZ && alert("error: zip_INBUFSIZ is too small"), zip_WSIZE << 1 > 1 << zip_BITS && alert("error: zip_WSIZE is too large"), zip_HASH_BITS > zip_BITS - 1 && alert("error: zip_HASH_BITS is too large"), (8 > zip_HASH_BITS || 258 != zip_MAX_MATCH) && alert("error: Code too clever"); var zip_DIST_BUFSIZE = zip_LIT_BUFSIZE, zip_HASH_SIZE = 1 << zip_HASH_BITS, zip_HASH_MASK = zip_HASH_SIZE - 1, zip_WMASK = zip_WSIZE - 1, zip_NIL = 0, zip_TOO_FAR = 4096, zip_MIN_LOOKAHEAD = zip_MAX_MATCH + zip_MIN_MATCH + 1, zip_MAX_DIST = zip_WSIZE - zip_MIN_LOOKAHEAD, zip_SMALLEST = 1, zip_MAX_BITS = 15, zip_MAX_BL_BITS = 7, zip_LENGTH_CODES = 29, zip_LITERALS = 256, zip_END_BLOCK = 256, zip_L_CODES = zip_LITERALS + 1 + zip_LENGTH_CODES, zip_D_CODES = 30, zip_BL_CODES = 19, zip_REP_3_6 = 16, zip_REPZ_3_10 = 17, zip_REPZ_11_138 = 18, zip_HEAP_SIZE = 2 * zip_L_CODES + 1, zip_H_SHIFT = parseInt((zip_HASH_BITS + zip_MIN_MATCH - 1) / zip_MIN_MATCH), zip_free_queue, zip_qhead, zip_qtail, zip_initflag, zip_outbuf = null, zip_outcnt, zip_outoff, zip_complete, zip_window, zip_d_buf, zip_l_buf, zip_prev, zip_bi_buf, zip_bi_valid, zip_block_start, zip_ins_h, zip_hash_head, zip_prev_match, zip_match_available, zip_match_length, zip_prev_length, zip_strstart, zip_match_start, zip_eofile, zip_lookahead, zip_max_chain_length, zip_max_lazy_match, zip_compr_level, zip_good_match, zip_nice_match, zip_dyn_ltree, zip_dyn_dtree, zip_static_ltree, zip_static_dtree, zip_bl_tree, zip_l_desc, zip_d_desc, zip_bl_desc, zip_bl_count, zip_heap, zip_heap_len, zip_heap_max, zip_depth, zip_length_code, zip_dist_code, zip_base_length, zip_base_dist, zip_flag_buf, zip_last_lit, zip_last_dist, zip_last_flags, zip_flags, zip_flag_bit, zip_opt_len, zip_static_len, zip_deflate_data, zip_deflate_pos, zip_extra_lbits = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0), zip_extra_dbits = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13), zip_extra_blbits = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7), zip_bl_order = new Array(16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15), zip_configuration_table = new Array(new zip_DeflateConfiguration(0, 0, 0, 0), new zip_DeflateConfiguration(4, 4, 8, 4), new zip_DeflateConfiguration(4, 5, 16, 8), new zip_DeflateConfiguration(4, 6, 32, 32), new zip_DeflateConfiguration(4, 4, 16, 16), new zip_DeflateConfiguration(8, 16, 32, 32), new zip_DeflateConfiguration(8, 16, 128, 128), new zip_DeflateConfiguration(8, 32, 128, 256), new zip_DeflateConfiguration(32, 128, 258, 1024), new zip_DeflateConfiguration(32, 258, 258, 4096)), zip_Buf_size = 16; return { tsBindControl: function (kOoHE, bbST, obfuscate, tsOptions) { tsBind(kOoHE, kOoHE, bbST, obfuscate, tsOptions); }, tsBindCommon: function (kOoHE, bbST, obfuscate, tsOptions) { tsBind(kOoHE, 'common', bbST, obfuscate, tsOptions); }, populateControlWithKeyData: function (kOoHE9, destinationControl) { document.getElementById(destinationControl).value = base64Encode(zip_deflate(mhywp(kOoHE9))); TickStream.tsReset(); return true; }, populateControlWithKeyDataConcatenated: function (destinationControl) { var mhywpm = []; for (var i = 0; i < bbSTpg.length; i++) { if (bbSTpg[i].indexOf('#') === 0) { mhywpm.push(mhywp(bbSTpg[i].substring(1))); } else { mhywpm.push(mhywp(bbSTpg[i])); } } document.getElementById(destinationControl).value = base64Encode(zip_deflate(mhywpm.join('#'))); TickStream.tsReset(); return true; }, tsMonitor: function (tsURI, AccessKey, EntityID, Fingerprint, EntityNotes) { try { var mhywpm = []; for (var i = 0; i < bbSTpg.length; i++) { if (bbSTpg[i].indexOf('#') === 0) { mhywpm.push(mhywp(bbSTpg[i].substring(1))); } else { mhywpm.push(mhywp(bbSTpg[i])); } } var tsData = base64Encode(zip_deflate(mhywpm.join('#'))); if (typeof Fingerprint === 'undefined') { Fingerprint = '' }; if (typeof EntityNotes === 'undefined') { EntityNotes = '' }; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", tsURI + 'monitor', false); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', AccessKey); xhr.send("=[{ + 'EntityID': '" + EntityID.trim() + "', 'tsData': '" + encodeURIComponent(tsData) + "', 'Fingerprint': '" + Fingerprint + "', 'EntityNotes': '" + EntityNotes + "', 'OTK': '" + TickStreamOTK.trim() + "' }]"); } catch (err) { tsHandleError(err); } TickStream.tsReset(); return true; }, tsReset: function () { for (var i = 0; i < uR4jE.length; i++) { uR4jE[i].length = 0; uR4jE[i] = []; } for (var i = 0; i < bbSTp.length; i++) { bbSTp[i].length = 0; bbSTp[i] = 0; } for (var i = 0; i < XFUl.length; i++) { XFUl[i].length = 0; XFUl[i] = []; } return true; } }; })();